Minggu, 23 November 2008

Danger talisman phone radiation

In fact, the use of mobile phones at-ourselves can be dangerous, because the mobile phone radiation, which is very dangerous disease that can cause serious befall us, hopefully there's even so, Syrian officials ....

worried with this? with things like this we need to be concerned with the good, because the concern we can make ourselves and other people feel comfortable. To minimize the danger that may occur because of the influence of mobile phone radiation, jitunya following tips:

1. Restrict the use of mobile phone calls only on the important-important and speak with the brief. Remember that the speech via a mobile phone that is too long, let alone for hours to have stored some of the negative impact on health. However, if you have to do is call a long time, it is recommended to use handsfree for security.
2. Children under age should be allowed to use the phone only in emergencies only. Given that they are still in the stage of development, the dangers of radiation can be severe.
3. If you use the phone without handsfree, wait until the call is connected before the mobile phone in the ear put to discussion.
4. Minimalisir use the phone in a closed space with metal or steel, for example, in the car. In the room like this, the phone must work hard to stabilize the connection so that the radiation escalate. In addition, there is the possibility of radiation bounce back to the user in a room dominated by steel materials.
5. Minimalisir use of the phone when the signal strength is only one bar or less. In this case, the phone must also work hard to stabilize the connection so that large increases radiation.
6. Purchase a mobile phone with the level of the SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) is low. Level SAR is a measure of the quantity of radio frequency absorbed the human body. The lower level, the better to minimize radiation. You can get information about the SAR in this guide or surf the Internet.

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bntuin klick dunk heuheue