Senin, 27 Oktober 2008


1. Time is not long for Loadingnya

Usually the patient does not want to open a time when a Web Site first opened long. More than 10 seconds is long, including loo. :-)

2. Create a great headline and opening sentence of Interest

You have 10 seconds to attract the attention of people, from the Start Make sure your Web site with something great, give the impression that for Visitors

3. Make them become Interested in mind and bids and opportunities from you.

They open the Web site after you read it and imagine will be a time they will be able to achieve their dreams if you want to accept the opportunity that we offer.

4. Be easy and understandable language

Do not make a mess your Website with too much information that can make people confused, Be careful with the use of text and Background Color.

5. Create The urgent need for them, so have the reasons to join

6. Get a Web Hosting Company, the good and Bonafid

This is an important, if the effect of the first time you click on the Website too long, caused by your hosting company, this certainly does not rise to the impression that good, so they are likely to become more and more small.

7. Traffic continues to monitor who visit your Web

8. Always update your website with materials that new

Visitors Reason does have to come to your Web, Create Information on your Website Up-to-date and in accordance with your target Market.

9. Make sure you have a way for They are collecting Email Address

With Email Address List They, you can always contact them and can always formed a relationship. The good relationship of this likely will be able to bring in sales.

10. Always Focus With Vision and Mission When you make your Website.

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